Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Year, New Look!

The all new, 2008 model, complete with driver side airbags...and fancy background pages. Whaddya think? Too busy? I spent way too much time on it today but at least I learned a bit more about how to mess around with my blog. I feel all techno-savvy. Right. I know all the digital scrapbookers are out there thinking "oh...poor have no clue...." but I say it is much better than the plain ol' nothin' it was before.

Ok. New Year Resolutions:
4. More posts, less novels. Stop cowering to the blogger gods in charge of placing pictures where you want them.
3. Finish a full course triathlon. (I'm with you, KayLynn!) Also, finish a sprint triathlon with Jevan (yes, he really has committed - we just gots to teach the boy to swim).
2. Really accomplish some of the many "be a better person" goals I have set for myself...I won't list them all here. Sadly, the list is way too long..what does that say about me? Yikes.

#1 Goal: Appreciate everyday I have with my amazing little family. My kids will only be little for so long, looking at the world with continuous fascination and excitement. I need to be breathing them in, loving life along with them, letting things go, letting everyone in unconditionally, thankful that I'm the one who gets to spend time with them, to be the center of their world for such a fleeting moment in time.

That's all.

Oh..and here is my Janeism for the day:

(For dinner, I fixed a sweet and sour stir-fry with tofu. Jane hasn't had tofu since she has had the ability to really talk.)

Me: "Jane, you haven't eaten much of your dinner. Can you eat some more? Do you know what this is?"(pointing to the tofu)

Jane: "What?"

Me: "It's tofu."

Jane: "Dog food?"

Me: "No Jane, TOE-FOO"

Jane: "Dog food?"


Jane: "No Mom, it's dog food."

Me: "You think?"

Jane: "Yeah Mom, it's dog food."

Jevan: " Jane, you are a girl after my own heart."

I try to be healthy and find meat alternatives and this is the thanks I get. Fine then, it's corn dogs tomorrow. Humph.


Floyd Family said...

Nice new look! I'm tagging you! Go to my blog for more info!

Windybrook Spinner said...

I love your blog. Did you figure out how to do it on your own? I'm impressed. I had to have my sister-in-law do mine, which means it will never change. Good thing I like it so much. I love the tofu story. You are brave. I don't even dare to buy tofu. I just use a lot of potatoes, pasta, rice, whole wheat flour, etc, and keep the meat levels low.

Diane McAffee said...

Jevan - I raised you right. Tofu is something best used in kindergarten to paste things together. I really thing tofu is fat free milk thickened with cornstarch. Cool - if necessary I can make it myself!

Anonymous said...

Just a few thoughts:

1. Emily finally has a 'cute' blog, and she takes every opportunity to remind me that she was the one that did it, not her so-called computer geek husband.

2. I really don't know how to swim swim. I can dog-paddle and do the backstroke. I'm planning on being the only person in the triathlon with water wings.

3. I truly believe that tofu is akin to dog food.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for triathlons! I'm excited. And I actually got Bart to do it with me too. He's also very nervous about swimming. Maybe we can get Jevan and Bart boogie boards and pull them along.

The tofu story is so funny! Don't give up though. My kids turn everything away for the first 20 times, even when it's chicken.

Unknown said...

wow, em. new blog, new look, resolutions, full course triathlon, and tofu. or dog food, apparently, depending who you ask. same awesome em. I'm still laughing. and intimidated. there's a reason why there are no resolutions posted on my blog! I side with my sister cath, who referenced calvin (of ...and hobbes) whose philosophy is always projecting low expectations, ensuring that you over-perform! I do like tofu, though. I'm with you there. and trying to feed my family healthier foods. tough job. why don't I ever see you?