Friday, March 21, 2008

Today Was a Gem

Wow. Two year olds are curious creatures, aren't they? Today was one of those days I wish I could save and replay again and again. I think last night, aliens broke into my house and stole Jane. Then they replaced her with an UNevil twin. Why they would do that and go against every rule in Hollywood, I have no idea, but they did.

Today was a gem. Jane was amazing. There was not a single power struggle all day. She didn't fight me on anything, giving in easily when I had to tell her no. She asked nicely for things (something I have been working so hard on recently), and actually got in her car seat the first time I asked (usually I have to find all kind of tricks to keep her from instantly climbing into the driver seat and messing with buttons when I am putting Allie in her seat). She didn't have a single accident (in her big girl underpants) even though we were away from the house most of the day. That's a big deal because we have had at least one accident a day since we started the whole potty training ordeal over 4 weeks ago. When she asked nicely for something and I would give it to her, she would say "thanks Mom!" and then give me a big hug and say "I love you, Mom!" Crazy or what? I have been completely dumbfounded. AND, when I was doing her hair this morning, I put it into braids on the sides of her head. First she said, "I'm going to show Calvin (her cousin) my braids. He say they cute!" I agreed with her, finished putting the elastic in place and gave her a hug. She then looked at me and said, "Mom?" "Yeah?" I said. "You're amazing." I just looked at her in disbelief and said "Who are you???" She then looked all puzzled and hurt and said, "I'm Jane!" Still not sure if I believe it. I didn't even know she knew the word 'amazing'.

Today was also a gem because we went to my sister-in-law's house and dyed easter eggs (thanks, Becca!). Holidays are so much more fun now that I have a child that "gets it" for the most part. She sat on my lap and happily plopped eggs into the all the different colored liquids. She did have a tough time restraining herself from grabbing the eggs out with her hands or stirring them a little too violently, sending colored water flying. All in all, it was super fun. Jane also played really well with Calvin, her cousin her same age, which was another crazy feat. Usually we are continually putting out fires between them as they fight over toys. Today they happily played outside in the warm sunshine and there was not a single incident involving tears.
Just such a wonderful day.

I am very curious to find out who I will find in Jane's bed tomorrow morning. I'm kinda hoping for the unevil twin again, I must say. I know today was probably an anomaly, so I had to soak it in for all it was worth. Hence why I had to blog about it. Don't think this is at all a normal day around our house.

Oh, and Calvin never did notice Jane's braids...or say they were cute. :)
Jane, my love, welcome to life with boys.


emily said...

See-you are an amazing mom! All that hard work paid off! I'd love to see her in braids.

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! It's a must to blog about the extraordinary days, since they're few. I bet you're heart melted a few times. Cute girl!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to know that all that advice, "It will get better," is actually true. The bad days come and go, but the good days make the memories. Keep it up Em! You are great....and so are your kids....oh, yeah and that husband of yours too.

Diane McAffee said...

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read your blog. I, being a totally unbiased grandmother, assumed Jane was UNevil all the time. Perhaps love is blind but I think that even when she is brawling and bawling she is adorable and perfect.