Monday, August 18, 2008

She said it...

So I came home from work tonight and Jane & Em had been making some zucchini bread. During the course of the chaos we like to call "a nice relaxing family meal", the timer on the oven went off. Jane was quite concerned about "her" bread, and Em was engaged trying to feed Allie some soup, so I jumped up and pulled the bread out.

A few minutes later Em noticed that the perfectly formed loaves that came out of the oven were looking more like the Grand Canyon than the picture on the recipe, and we soon concluded that they were severely undercooked. We put them back in the oven, knowing that they wouldn't re-inflate but at least they would be cooked. We showed Jane what happened, and when she asked who broke the bread I told her it was me. She looked at me and said in an exasperated tone "Dad, you aren't supposed to be cooking. You're not a mom yet." Who am I to argue? I hope she says the same thing about doing the dishes next time.


Anonymous said...

That is just awesome! But seriously, you really couldn't tell it wasn't done? Good thing your family doesn't live on bread alone. :)

Windybrook Spinner said...

Baking is a tricky thing. I love hearing about the latest Jane-ism.

Cheri said...

I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who under cooks my banana bread. It seems like it happens to me every time.

Angie said...

I love it when kids say great stuff like that. What a fun blog. I found it today via a bunch of random CHS Colt links. It was fun to see what you and the family have been up to.
Angie (Robinson)