Monday, November 02, 2009

La La Land

So I thought I would make it official. We did it. We moved. We bought a house in Heber. And yes, Jevan still works in Salt Lake - he commutes. My environmental studies teachers/friends would be so disappointed in me. He doesn't even commute in some sort of hybrid vehicle. I am SO hypocritical....but I can't help myself...I'm blinded by love.

I think I have been dreaming of living here since we've been married but I didn't think it would really happen. Whenever I would talk about it, Jevan would refer to it as my "La La Land." Well, La La Land, here I am. Here I get the Heber Creeper, Dairy Keen (not Queen mind has the best shakes anywhere...and the greatest kids meal prizes ever), the Demolition Derby, the Cowboy Poetry Festival (what rhymes with yeehaw?) and the National Sheepdog Championships. Mostly though, it's just really pretty here. With the backdrop of Mt. Timpanogos and the areas of open pasture, I get this sensation every time I drive over the last hill and into the valley - a combination of relief, peace and belonging. I guess I really never have been a city person. And the best part? My city-slicker husband loves it too.

So, because people said they were curious, here's our new house. Come visit us some time. We'll rustle you up some grub and maybe even recite a cowboy poem or two.


Windybrook Spinner said...

Wow! Definitely a step up from the last house. Lovely and how awesome to live in Heber. Funny that you wanted to live somewhere closer to Jevan's work, though, but I'm sure the commute is worth it and isn't really that bad.

Anonymous said...

It looks great! Sounds like you had a great Halloween. We need to come up and visit soon!

Lisa Burbidge said...

Love it! We will for sure come and visit. We will be up that way on the 25 for the polar express!!!!! maybe I will come up early and spend the day with you!!

Paige said...

I love your house! I also love that you are at a place with so many kids. We got only got 4 rings of the doorbell for trick or treating here. I'm glad you like your new area, it sounds great!

The Kelly's said...

I love your new house! It is beautiful. I am so happy for you guys! We will have to come and visit, I love Heber, it is such a fun place! Your girls looked so cute for Halloween!!

emily said...

Congratulations!!!! I miss you, and just reading your blog isn't enough for this high maintenance friend...

kara said...

Love the house and Halloween too! I think Christina and I will have to come up together, maybe with Lisa too! One big party in Heber!! It is nice to live closer to family, even if it is only part of them...

Betsy/Mom said...

How beautiful! I guess now we'll have to come babysit at YOUR house! :)