She was very practical about it. She was genuinely confused at our shock and mild anger about what she had done. She said that some of her hair kept falling in her face that morning and so she just cut the darned hair off. Problem solved. Jane is very much like that, for the most part. See the problem, solve it. Like this summer when we went to the swimming pool and the life guard told her she couldn't jump off the diving board until she could jump in and swim to the side unaided. So, she came down off the board, grabbed my hand and told me I needed to teach her to swim. She practiced all afternoon and wouldn't give up until she could swim/doggie paddle to the side. Then, with her determined and triumphant little face, went off the diving board and with her mother's heart pounding, made it, in a desperate flailing of limbs, to the side.
Wow. Tangent. Anyway, here is the damage. Jev and I decided it was a rite of passage to becoming a true little kid. Everyone has their stories.
On a side note, my sister-in-law reminded me today of a funny episode last week as well. We went with her and her kids to Bean Museum in Provo, which is basically a huge gallery of dead, stuffed things. Think of the best hunting lodge you have been to with the moose heads on the wall and quadruple it.... and add animals from every continent you can think of. Quite fascinating really. Above the stairs, leading to the 2nd floor, they had mounted almost the entire front half of a giraffe on the wall. Allie saw the giraffe and was instantly convinced it was stuck in the wall. She desperately kept asking me to help it. When i didn't come down to pull it out of it's brick prison, she began to encourage it to help itself. "C'mon giraffe. You can do it." Then she would grunt to show it the proper sound effects to use when extricating itself from the wall. She pleaded for a long time with giraffe, urging it to liberate itself, or calling me to lend a hand, but there was just no budging the silly giraffe. She finally gave up but talked about it for days to come. Maybe you just had to be there, but it was so stinkin' funny.
Huh. Random post but here it is all the same.
got to love it!!! Kara's little girl did the same thing, but she did it all over her hair not just the front!! :( I have made sure Natalee is totally afraid of cutting her hair by telling her if she ever tried we would shave it like her brothers!!! So far it is working!!
I don't know. I think it looks good on her. =)
She still looks really cute. Of course it had to happen just before all those events!
Hi Em! This was adorable! I did the same thing... only at six years old, which makes it worse I think.... and I was also missing both of my front teeth at the time.... and oh yeah,I was a chubbster. It could be worse! ;) Love you all! Can't wait for Christmas!
Jane- Stinkin' cute as always, just less jubate now..
I have been laughing at Allie and the giraffe for many days, too. She melts me!
Griffin did that a few years ago. When I asked him why, he told me he did it because he was hot. Kids are such a riot. LOVE the house. Tell Jane I miss her!
Dude, I did that to my bangs in high school. I think Jane is advanced.
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